By now i guess a whole lot of you have either read or heard about the story of the fortunate "Agege bread seller" who coincidentally walked by a photo shoot as covered by celebrity photographer TY BELLO while she was on set with British Musician TINIE TEMPAH.
Now a lot of folks have come out to air their opinion on the matter, and i for one would also want to join the fray. The only difference between what others have been saying and what i'm writing is this; I DON'T BUY THE WHOLE CRAP ABOUT FOLKS SAYING THIS WAS A SITUATION OF "PREPARATION MEETING OPPORTUNITY."... READ MORE AFTER THE CUT..
Yes, there are moments when the adage "preparation meets opportunity" can accurately fit into a reversal of fortune for an individual but come on folks, let's be realistic here, what would we say our fortunate olajumoke was being prepared for in the first place?

I am most certain that on that very day, there must have been more than one bread seller plying their wares around. There must have also been more than a couple of folks who were interrupting the shoot by walking past the scene but definitely when it came to Olajumoke, TY BELLO must have had this ethereal nudge from somewhere within her that "hey, this girl would fit right into this shoot". And from where i come from, i would tend to call that a GRACE effect or as some of you may put it, LUCK.
I stand bold to say, or no. I lay in bed bold to say that it could only take the grace of God to elevate Olajumoke from the position she was as a common agege bread seller, to now becoming one of the most celebrated faces world wide within this past week alone. The reason i use the word ''common'' is for you to understand how down the pecking order she is ; this is a 27 year old lady, with 2 kids and a husband. A lady who could barely speak or write english, someone who has probably never heard of instagram and the likes. yet somehow, someway look at her now. I bet a couple of all those ladies who go on instagram uploading half naked pics would be feeling hot inside their hearts with envy as to how this "low rat" could come out of the gutter and eat up the cheese they have been struggling years to get. Like i said, the only explanation is THE GRACE OF GOD. Yep, fortune smiles on the bold but when it comes to success in life, sometimes it's all about BEING AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME, and whether you are prepared or not, GOD will always take care of the rest as long as you did your best.
Come to think of it, what if Olajumoke was a fat, flabby bread seller? Would TY BELLO still have found her a perfect fit for the shoot? The reason sweet jumoke looks so trim to be considered a perfect fit would probably have to do more with the "kwa-kwa" she has been "chopping" while hustling her wares up and down the rugged streets of Lagos. Maybe there even have been days where she couldn't have afforded 3 square meals a day, but basically as you can now see, EVERYTHING actually works together for GOOD. So to all of us out there doing everything we can, legitimately and morally right to make a living, keep doing it. One day your own RECOGNITION will come. But that doesn't mean we should see you out there having a tray of fresh loaves of bread trying to find your TY BELLO...lol... In fact just as in Jumoke's case; your TY BELLO will be the one to find you, just keep doing what you do. HAVE A GREAT WEEK AHEAD.
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