Tuesday 16 June 2015



So here is the gist, according to a female eye witness who claims she SAW everything that transpired koro-koro, a certain dude came along with his girlfriend to come pay a visit to a pal of his in the area. Well, all 3 were inside having a jolly good time and next thing you knew, was the supposed lady coming out of the building shouting "RAPE,, RAPE!'. Read what happened in the words of the eyewitness after the cut but be warned, there are graphic photos thereafter......

"Here are pics of an incident that happened in my area last two Saturdays. A guy went to his friend's place with his babe. A few hours later, the girl came out screaming rape rape rape. And later the guy came out too screaming help help help. The girl had blood on her clothes and then she was given a cloth to cover herself. But when the guy came out with blood on his body everyone was shocked and that's when we knew the girl bit off his penis and this was done with her teeth. The guy was taken to the hospital but when they got to the hospital they realized that the other part was no longer there. They had to come back home to look for the remaining part, but by then its dead, though they stitched it he's still in the hospital. Photos attached."

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