Friday 9 October 2015



My phone rang louder than it used to, I guess it was
cause of the situation I found myself, I was scared to pick up and
check who was calling me, I’ve never been that scared to pick up
my phone before. Before I picked it up, I prayed to God
‘Lord please save me from tonight’s dilemma, don’t let Mrs.
Williams call me till I’m done with Vanessa’
I picked up the phone to see the caller, I was greatly relieved when I
saw who was calling me and I cracked a smile. ‘Hello Mum, how are
She must have sensed a mixture of anxiety and relieve in my voice.
She said “I’m fine dear, what’s happening, you sound somehow”
What’s really happening? How do I explain the situation I was to my

So I just told her, ‘I have two tests tomorrow, I’ve been reading one
before and I’ve not read the other one at all’ I spoke in parable, the
one I’ve been reading before is Vanessa, the one I’ve not read
before is Mrs. Williams. You get?

“Why haven’t you read the other one before? What have you been
doing with your time? Make sure you start reading the one you’ve
not read before and read the other one later” that’s what she
advised me to do.

To me, she said see Mrs. Williams tonight and see Vanessa later.
We talked about some other things and ended the call.
Mrs. Williams is still yet to call; I’ll just go and see Vanessa jare I’d
excuse myself when Mrs. Williams calls.

So I wore my cloth and left for Vanessa’s place. Before getting to
her place she called like three times, she wanted to make sure I was
really on my way. I noticed something was different in Vanessa that
night, she was talking like she was extra horny, she was talking like
she has a surprise for me, she was talking like we will do some new
things and to Vanessa and I nothing is new… we’ve done it all.
‘Wassup Baby, I’m outside’ normally she’d come outside to take me
in, but she said “Baby please I can’t come outside right now… come
inside; I’m in my room… waiting for you”. I was wondering why she
couldn’t come outside, what’s happening inside? What’s this girl
planning now…? I was a bit tensed.

knock knock She didn’t even ask who was there; she came and
opened the door. I knew why she couldn’t come outside when I saw
her, she was in one of the shirts I gave her, she had no panties on,
all she had on was the shirt.

I was still at the door, staring at her like I’ve never seen her before, I
cracked a fat immediately I saw her. She pulled me in and gave me
one of those I’ve missed your D hug type of hug, you know those
type of hug yeah. The type of hug that the babe will make sure your
clam digger feels her clam. This hug lasted for a long time; it was
beginning to feel like I have penetrated already, since she was not
wearing anything.

Finally, she let go of me and said “Oh God I’ve missed you so
much, I’d have killed you if you didn’t come, I told you to come
hungry, hope you’ve not eaten”
‘No, I’ve not…’ I wasn’t really flowing; I wasn’t really talking maybe
because Mrs. Williams hasn’t called. She didn’t even seem bothered
about that, she was just happy I was there.

“Do you want me to bring your food now or later?” She was talking
to me like a Wife trying to please her husband; she was acting like
she’d need me to do her a favor later.
‘You can bring it now, I’m quite hungry sef’. She went to bring the
food, it was a sumptuous meal.
She was seated directly opposite me with her legs wide opened
while I was eating, I guess she did it on purpose; as I looked her
side, the heaven in between her thighs winked at me. I could tell all
she was waiting for was for me to finish eating.

“Baby there’s something I want to tell you” Ok, she wants to tell me
something, this should explain why she’s been acting like this; this
should explain why she really wanted to see me tonight.
‘So what’s it you want to tell me’ she looked at me, smiled and
licked her lips, the smile really confused me. What’s happening
here? ‘talk joor, what do you want to tell me’

She started by asking if I know one of her friends called Lola, of
course I know her. Lola has the shape a man can die for, I’m sure
even the Pope would stare twice if he sees her ass. So tell me how
I won’t know that type of babe. I’ve always been wishing to get
down with her but I’ve never made the move because of Vanessa. I
asked her, ‘wassup with Lola?’

“I was gisting my friends one day like that about our sexual
exploits, I was just gisting them about how naughty we used to be
together” so she was gisting her friends about how we used to fuck,
it’s alright… I was sha looking at her, waiting for her to land. So she
“I gisted them about how you gave me my best sex ever, I was
gisting them about how sweet you are, later that day Lola came to
ask me if she could have your number, but I didn’t give her” when
she said she didn’t give her my number my face changed and I
gave her that ‘you don fuck up’ face, I didn’t even know when I
asked why she didn’t give her my number.

She said “Because I’m not done with you yet?” hearing that made
me look at her like “are you alright? you’re not done with me and
you broke up with me” and I even feel we were done with each
other. She continued with the gist…

“There’s something you’ve always wanted us to do, but I couldn’t
agree to it because I was too jealous and I didn’t want to share you
with anybody” I was trying to figure out what she was talking about,
what could it be?
‘Why don’t you tell me what that is? I can’t think right now’ I was
done eating by this time, so she stood up and came to sit so close
beside me, she rested her head on my shoulder, and she started
rubbing her hand on my chest, whispering to my ears.
“Baby it’s something you said you’ve never done before and I’ll like
you to do it with me first” this is getting interesting, something I’ve
never done before?
‘Common Baby, just say it’ I really wanted to know what it was. She
decided to tease me a little, “kiss me before I tell you” sheybi it’s
just to kiss, immediately I reached for her lips and tenderly I kissed

She loved it, few seconds after kissing her, her eyes were still
closed…I tapped her like come back to life jhur , Baby say it jhur. She
asked if I like her friend, Lola
“Do you like Lola?”
‘She’s a fine girl with a fine ass na, so yes I like her’
“Can I call her to join us tonight?”
Join us tonight for what? What are we doing tonight sef? Wait!
Wait!! Wait!!! Is she asking me if we could have a threesome? As
this question popped in my mind my heart began to produce some
Uhuru kind of beat, it will beat slowly for a while then later change
gear and beat faster. Is today the day I’ve dreaded all my life? I
wanted to be sure it’s what I was thinking so I asked
‘Are you asking me if we could have a threesome tonight?’
What was her reply? Could that be the big plan she had for the
night? You’ll get to know in the next Episode!

Watch Out For Episode 5…<>

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