Thursday 13 August 2015


Eggs are an excellent source of nutrients. An egg contains some healthy unsaturated fats and 6 grams of protein. Eggs are also a good source of zeaxanthin, lutein and choline. Lutein and zeaxanthin may protect against loss of vision and choline has been associated with preserving memory. What’s more, studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast can help you shed body weight. There are many more amazing facts about eggs that are worth learning. Here are some of them.

1.Egg Shell Color

The color of an egg shell does not indicate the nutritional value or quality of an egg, but rather the breed of the chicken that laid it. Hens with red feathers produce brown eggs and hens with white feathers produce white eggs.


Only 1 of every 20,000 commercially-produced eggs may contain the food-poisoning bacteria Salmonella. Hence, the likelihood that an egg might contain Salmonella is very small. The average customer may encounter a contaminated egg once every 84 years.

3.Egg Yolk

The egg yolk’s color is determined by the diet of a hen. It has nothing to do with the nutritional value of an egg. If you break open your egg to find a dark yellow yolk, the chicken was possibly fed green vegetables. A light-yellow yolk would indicate a diet of barley and wheat and a medium-yellow yolk would indicate a diet of alfalfa and corn.

4.Healthy Fats And Protein

Eggs contain high levels of healthy fats and protein. Healthy fats help you feel full and satisfied, whilst protein helps you build muscle. Moreover, eggs contain antioxidants that help decrease the effects of aging and fight cancer.

5.Blood Spot

The blood spot occasionally observed in an egg comes from the rupture of small blood vessels in the egg yolk. It does not indicate that the egg is unsafe to consume.

6. Araucana Chicken

The Araucana Chicken is also known as the Easter Egg Chicken because it produces brown, pink, green and naturally blue eggs.


Each egg provides two thirds of daily recommended cholesterol intake. However, according to studies, daily egg consumption does not raise the risk of heart disease.


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